Wedding Ritual – Ceremony of Love

2015 07 06 Solange Und Heimo Tauern (10)

Your Wedding is worth an individual and professional ceremony.
You decide and I give advice and support.
You decide the theme and texts, music and rituals of your Wedding.
You decide whether you want to get married in a castle or in an Alpine chalet.
You decide whether you want to have a long ceremony or a short commitment during dinner.
You decide how religious, spiritual or christian the cerenmony shall be.
I give you advice, ideas and any support you want.
I am a catholic theologian and have many experiences with traditional rituals.
And I am very open for couples who want to celebrate their wedding in a decent setting without religous elements.

My name is Lukas Niederberger, I was born in 1964 in St. Gallen in Switzerland, studied philosophy in Munich and theology in Paris. From 1995-2007 I ran an educational center for spirituality and interreligious dialogue near Zug. And from 2013-2022 I was Managing Director of the Swiss Society for the Common Good. There I promoted and researched social cohesion and civic engagement in Switzerland. I have been working as an author, speaker, course leader, master of ceremony and consultant for 30 years.

I am looking forward to preparing your wedding with you !

With my kindest regards

Lukas Niederberger
+41 - (0)79 - 755 25 90